You can edit any page on your website whether it's included in the navigation or not. Click on the EDIT WEBSITE tab. Then click the TOOLS drop down menu and choose GO TO PAGE and a list of all pages will appear. Clicking on a page will take you directly to the editor for a that page.
This tool is helpful if you want to create a web page in a "draft" form - that is, a page that is not included in your website's navigation. If the page is not in the navigation, a visitor to your website will not be able to see that page. To edit the new page, you can access it here. When you are ready to include the page in your site's navigation, click the TOOLS drop down menu and choose SITE NAVIGATION. A dialogue box will appear. Click the NEW NAV LINK button and write a Label for the link and choose the new page from the drop-down menu. Then click CREATE NAV LINK.
This tool is also helpful if you chose to have a disclaimer page on your website. The disclaimer page initially is only linked to from the website Footer. To edit your disclaimer page, click the TOOLS drop down menu and choose GO TO PAGE and then choose the DlSCLAIMER page.