Tell us about your business:
Enter the name of your law firm practice and tagline, if you have one. Also enter the Toll-Free phone number of your law firm. If you don't have a Toll-Free phone number, you can enter the phone number that you'd want prospective clients to call.
This information will display in the header of your website, across the top of all pages. You'll be able to edit this information later by clicking the TOOLS button in the top left of the website editor. When a drop down menu appears, click on SITE SETTINGS.
Physical Location(s):
Enter your law firm location details. This information will populate the area at the bottom of your website, commonly called the "Footer", as well as the map on the contact page of your site. This information will also be used across all pages as part of their SEO attributes.
If you have more than one location and would like to display that location on your site also, click "Add another Location".
Note - You will be able to modify the location details on your website and how they are displayed on your site.
Click NEXT to go to Step 4